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Asphalt Driveway Repair for Shelton,
CT, Area Homes & Businesses

All asphalt eventually requires maintenance and repair. Driveway Sealing Call Frank offers asphalt driveway repair and maintenance in the Shelton, CT, area as part of our service of New Haven and Fairfield counties. Call us to restore your asphalt to a beautiful, smooth, black finish.


Our Driveway Repair Services


Asphalt is composed of aggregate materials, such as gravel or pebbles, and the black liquid asphalt that binds it all together in a waterproof seal. The elemental exposure all asphalt will naturally face, combined with human wear and tear, eventually chemically breaks down the liquid component of the asphalt. Because of this, the asphalt loses its natural water resistance.


Once water penetrates the asphalt, it can cause cracks — including alligator cracks — and potholes. Not only are these cracks an unsightly blemish on the smooth, black surface of your asphalt, but they can be dangerous to visitors, leaving you liable in case of injury or vehicle damage.


Driveway Sealing Call Frank can diagnose just how much water has permeated your pavement, as well as isolate and stabilize the problem quickly. We then perform necessary repairs or even a total rebuild to extend the life of your asphalt driveway. No repair job is too big or too small for us to handle quickly and reliably.


Regular Asphalt Maintenance


Once we have your asphalt repaired, we will help you create a maintenance plan for it that fits within your budget. We offer regular sealing treatments to maintain the chemical and structural integrity of the liquid asphalt that holds your driveway together.


We also offer pressure washing and oil spot cleaning, to ensure that the seal coatings we apply have the best possible adhesion to your asphalt paving and driveways.


Request a free quote online or call +1 (203) 378-0080 or toll free at +1 (800) 374-8392 today.